The Secret Sauce of Viral Marketing: The STEPPS to Success

Ever wondered why some marketing campaigns skyrocket while others barely get off the ground? It's not just luck – it's science. And today, I'm sharing the secret sauce: Jonah Berger's STEPPS framework.

Who is Jonah Berger?

Jonah Berger is a world-renowned marketing professor, author, and expert on viral marketing. As a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, he's published extensive research on word-of-mouth, social influence, and consumer behavior.

He's also the bestselling author of several books, including "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" and "Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior." Berger's work has been featured in major publications like The New York Times and Harvard Business Review, and he's a sought-after speaker and consultant for top companies around the world.

What is STEPPS?

It's a simple, yet powerful, model that breaks down the six key ingredients for making your content contagious:

  • Social Currency: Make people look good by sharing your content.

  • Triggers: Associate your message with everyday reminders.

  • Emotion: Evoke feelings that spark action.

  • Public: Make your message visible and easily shareable.

  • Practical Value: Offer useful information people will want to pass along.

  • Stories: Wrap your message in a narrative that people will remember.

Real-World Example:

Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? It nailed STEPPS:

  • Social Currency: Participants looked cool and charitable.

  • Triggers: Summer heat triggered thoughts of ice water.

  • Emotion: The challenge evoked empathy and fun.

  • Public: Videos were highly visible on social media.

  • Practical Value: It raised awareness and funds for ALS research.

  • Stories: Each participant's video was a personal story of support.


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